Weekly Clean Energy Roundup: August 9, 2010

Past Decade Warmest on Record DOE: $188M to Small Businesses for Clean Energy U.S. Wind Installations Fall to 2007 Levels DOE: $17M Loan for Battery Energy Storage in NY DOE: $117M Loan Guarantee for Hawaii Wind Project GM Boosts Chevy Volt Production Plans 9 Finalists for $10 Million Automotive X Prize Past Decade was Warmest on Record The Earth has been growing warmer for the past 50 years, and the past decade was the warmest on record, according to a report from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). State of the Climate in 2009, released on July 28, draws on the contributions of more than 300 scientists from 160 research groups in 48 countries. The report examined 10 key climate indicators, which all indicate the world is warming. Seven indicators are rising: air temperatures over land, sea-surface temperatures, air temperatures over oceans, sea levels, ocean heat contents, humidity, and temperatures in the troposphere, the active weather layer of the atmosphere that is closest to the Earth’s surface. The three declining indicators are arctic sea ice, glaciers, and spring snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere. The report finds not only that the 2000s was the hottest decade on record but […]

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