Defense Budget Passes With 750,000 Acres of Protected Lands
Lots of acreage protected, but also giveaways such as streamlined permits for fracking on public land.
Lots of acreage protected, but also giveaways such as streamlined permits for fracking on public land.
For the first time, every country agrees to announce climate targets by March 31 and perhaps most important, a goal of zero fossil fuels by 2050 is catching on.
Green technologies from US companies will be promoted in China as part of the joint Climate-Smart/Low-Carbon Cities Initiative.
We weren't booed and hissed at this year because the US is taking some action.
The LEED-like certification is customized for Dunkin restaurants.
Oversight is needed for how climate funds are used, making sure they don't finance big hydro dams and coal.
Mostly focused on North America, the focus is on most efficient buildings, speed adoption of new thinking and technologies in green building.
Read about these remarkable children who are leading youth to force action on climate change.
500 cities are expected to join the Compact for Mayors next year, which commits them to using the Global Protocol - the first common standard for measuring emissions.
With two days to go, the Climate Summit is high gear - here's an update.