Weekly Clean Energy Roundup: September 15, 2010
ACORE Releases State-by-State Renewable Energy Report $9.6M for Transformational Energy Research $5.2M for Wind Forecasting, Turbine Development $37M for Marine and Hydrokinetic Energy $16.5M for Biomass R&D $30M for State Energy Efficiency Projects Energy Efficiency Enforcement Penalties for 27 Companies ACORE Releases State-by-State Report on Renewable Energy The American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE) released a report that’s intended to be an executive summary of the renewable energy sector in each state. It compiles data on renewable energy developments, resource potential, and financial, market, and policy information on a state-by-state basis. The state summaries show the wide range of renewable energy development in the U.S. Louisiana has the hardly any: a measly 200 kW of grid-connected solar and production capabilities for 1.5 million gallons of biofuels a year. On the other end of the spectrum, California has 2.7 GW of wind, 2.6 GW of geothermal, 1.1 GW of grid-connected solar, 705 MW of biomass, and production capabilities for nearly 200 million gallons of biofuels per year. The report also notes the state policies that helped to accomplish that scale of deployment. In California, such policies include a renewable energy requirement; a mandate for utilities to provide grid connections and net […]