Weekly Clean Energy Roundup: October 21, 2010

DOE Loan Guarantee for New Southwest Transmission Project Major Mid-Atlantic Offshore Wind Transmission Project Announced DOI Approves First Solar Project on Nevada Public Lands ACEEE Energy Efficiency Scorecard Cites State Leaders U.S. Mayors Attend Swedish Green Conference EPA Grants E15 Fuel Waiver for Newer Vehicles EIA: Home Heating Costs to Increase Slightly This Winter DOE Offers Loan Guarantee for Southwest Transmission Project DOE announced on October 19 its offer of a conditional commitment for a $350 million loan guarantee to develop the One Nevada Transmission Line (ON Line). ON Line is a new 500-kilovolt transmission line that will run 235 miles from Ely, Nevada to just north of Las Vegas. The project will carry approximately 600 MW of electricity, including renewable energy, in northern Nevada. It will also integrate existing transmission systems in northern and southern Nevada, improving grid reliability and efficiency, and reducing power costs. This is the first transmission line project to be offered a commitment by DOE’s Loan Programs Office. The ON Line project will be the first phase of the Southwest Intertie Project which, when fully completed, will carry approximately 2,000 MW of electricity and will enable wind and solar resources in Wyoming, Idaho, and Nevada […]

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