As Gulf Clean-Up Winds Down, Drilling Resumes
13 companies get approval to begin deep drilling again, but Shell's permits revoked for Arctic.
13 companies get approval to begin deep drilling again, but Shell's permits revoked for Arctic.
China's largest wind turbine manufacturer will go public soon.
With solar incentives in flux in Germany and France, Italy is becoming the new center of activity.
Research shows that bumblebees are in serious decline worldwide from habitat loss.
Indonesia to protect one of its largest, richest lands to reduce GHG
Powerful business interests got in the way with fear-mongering about potential job losses.
Vestas has the largest turbine manufacting plant in China and says all its capacity will be used to meet domestic demand.
Industry prevented the ban from going through, but it's now in effect.
The 500 MW solar thermal plant will be finished by 2015 south of Morocco.
1000MW farm would be build a daunting 18-27 miles off the coast.