Wales Bans Fracking! Landlords Barred From Renting Uninsulated Homes
In a great move, landlords in England and Wales will have to tighten up properties that get a failing grade on energy efficiency.
In a great move, landlords in England and Wales will have to tighten up properties that get a failing grade on energy efficiency.
Bangladesh is creating a model for climate resilience, learning how to live in a watery world powered by solar.
Universal family planning should be considered integral to climate-compatible development, says an international coalition.
Californians in PG&E's territory can get locally-sourced solar starting later this year, while Republicans in Colorado vote to cut the state's Renewable Portfolio Standard in half.
As he's proposed in the past, he would also phase out fossil fuel subsidies, while boosting funds for renewables and climate resilience.
EPA and DOI's statements lay out why the State Department should reject Keystone.
The right people are finally in the right place at the right time to make it happen.
Projects in flood-prone areas will receive federal funds only if they plan for sea level rise.
And another group will help Fortune 100 companies meet their renewable energy targets.
China, India and other countries are using it to develop policies that allow the world to stay at the 2°C goal by 2050. You can also use the tool.