Gamesa Expands Wind Production in India
Gamesa will invest more than EUR 60 million in India through 2012.
Gamesa will invest more than EUR 60 million in India through 2012.
Market operators must pay demand response providers the same rates as electricity generators.
SIxteen green business MBA programs chosen as the best by Princeton Review and Entrepreneur.
Study suggests 20MW offshore wind turbines could be in use by 2020.
Beer maker is on track to reach its three-year goal for cutting water use.
Renewable energy will be at a much greater advantage if nuclear plans are scrapped.
Finland-based The Switch sells power converter systems and permanent magnet generators.
Smart meter company says new organization will stream-line strategic initiatives.
New factory will have a capacity of 1 GW of inverters by the end of the year.
Bio-based plastic bottle is identical to PET and recyclable.