Wind: The Center of the Plan B Energy Economy

by Lester Brown For many years, a small handful of countries dominated growth in wind energy, but this is changing as the industry goes global, with over 70 countries now developing wind resources. Between 2000 and 2010, world wind electric generating capacity increased at a frenetic pace from 17,000 megawatts (MW) to nearly 200,000 MW. Measured by the share of electricity supplied by wind, Denmark is the leading nation at 21%. Three north German states now get 40% or more of their electricity from wind. For Germany as a whole, the figure is 8% – and climbing. And in the state of Iowa, enough wind turbines came online in the last few years to produce up to 20% of that state’s electricity. In terms of sheer volume, the US leads the world with 35,000 MW of wind generating capacity, followed by China and Germany with 26,000 MW each. Texas, long the leading U.S. oil-producing state, is now also the nation’s leading generator of electricity from wind. It has 9,700 MW of wind capacity online, 370 MW more under construction, and a huge amount under development. If all of the wind farms projected for 2025 are completed, Texas will have 38,000 […]

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Weekly Clean Energy Roundup: March 22, 2011

i6 Green Challenge Launched DOE Fellowships to Support Next Generation of Clean Energy Innovators Grant Helps Propel Innovative Wind Energy Small Business A Biofuels First: Producing Isobutanol from Cellulose i6 Green Challenge Launched DOE joined with the U.S. Commerce Department’s Economic Development Administration and its Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship on March 10 to kickoff the $12 million i6 Green Challenge. The 2nd annual i6 Green Challenge focuses rewards innovative, ground-breaking ideas that enable technology commercialization, new venture formation, green job creation, and economic growth. The funding supports six regional teams with the most innovative ideas to drive technology commercialization and entrepreneurship in renewable energy, energy efficiency and green building technology/manufacturing, materials reuse/recycling, and environmental restoration. It aims to promote collaboration in each region by encouraging and rewarding innovative Proof-of-Concept Centers, which accelerate technology commercialization by assisting entrepreneurs and existing companies. The proposed centers should help to solve problems that impede technology commercialization in a given region. The partnership also includes the USDA, EPA, National Science Foundation, the Commerce Department’s National Institute of Standards and Technology, and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Letters of intent are due by May 2, and the deadline to submit a full application is […]

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