Interior Initiates Process For Bluewater Wind Offshore Lease
First commercial wind lease under the Smart from the Start program set for project off the coast of Delaware.
First commercial wind lease under the Smart from the Start program set for project off the coast of Delaware.
Public Patent Foundation challenges the chemical giant's patents on genetically modified seed.
World's third-largest drugmaker to zero-out carbon footprint of operations and supply chain.
Governor Jerry Brown is expected to sign the bill soon.
Our policy framework is weak and uncertain, and is hurting US competitiveness.
Converteam specializes in power conversion and is active in permanent magnet generators for wind turbines.
The first time the party will run a German state and has the chance to showcase what a green economy can look like.
List rates utilities by invesment in demand side management.
Computer company unveiled a proof of concept for home energy monitoring.
Utility responds to customers concerned about possible health effects of radio signals from smart meters.