American University Installing Largest Urban Solar Hot Water System on East Coast
It will provide hot water for the dining hall and 2000 students, also installing 534 kW of PV solar.
It will provide hot water for the dining hall and 2000 students, also installing 534 kW of PV solar.
The HUD program is intended to create green jobs and boost home energy efficiency.
This first update to NYC's ambitous PlaNYC includes revolving fund to finance energy efficiency building upgrades.
Data Centers, which mostly rely on fossily fuels, are an overlooked, but significant source of greenhouse gases.
And renewable energy capacity worldwide now exceeds that of nuclear, while emissions are dropping.
150 bills have been introduced in Congress, so far all have been blocked, while BP deducts the oil spill costs from its taxes.
Nissan had to pause production in Japan and now finds the car has start-up problems.
Homes with PV sell for $17000 more and are comparable with the amount a homeowner invested in PV.
18 army bases are pilot projects for net zero energy, water and waste.
Building on 20 years of environmental initiatives, they now require all buildings to be LEED certified.