Affordable Green Housing Opens in the Bronx
As of January, all affordable housing subsidized by NYC must meet Enterprise Green Communities Certification.
As of January, all affordable housing subsidized by NYC must meet Enterprise Green Communities Certification.
Through a DOE grant, FuelCell Energy will continue development to use coal syngas to power fuel cells.
Germany's goal is for 10 GW of offshore wind by 2020.
by Rona Fried In 2008, the European Union launched an ambitious 20-20-20 plan for 2020, which would increase renewable energy to 20% of the mix, reduce greenhouse gas emissions 20% below 1990 levels, and increase energy efficiency 20% compared to business-as-usual projections. The EU is on track to achieve the first two goals, but although energy efficiency is usually touted as the least expensive, easily achieved of the three goals, so far it’s turning out to be the laggard. One reason is that the first two targets are legally binding, but the energy efficiency goal is not. EU member countries are on track to increase energy efficiency just 10% by 2020, which prompted the Commission to intervene with a plan to raise it another 10%. They noted that legally binding measures may be necessary, but they are not starting with that. The new energy efficiency plan focuses on the three main sources of energy consumption – buildings, transportation and industry. 1. Buildings: create incentives to trigger the renovation process in public and private buildings, while improving the energy performance of components and appliances used in them. 2. Transportation: a forthcoming "White Paper on Transport" will cover advanced traffic management systems, […]
It looks like we've past our peak for GHG emissions because of efficiency, renewables and natural gas.
EIA's budget is significantly cut, terminating data collection on renewable energy, buildings, greenhouse gases.
The National Automobile Dealers Association and Chamber of Commerce sought to overturn EPA's waiver which allowed California to set its own greenhouse gas standards.
More endangered desert tortoises were found on phases two and three.
Some companies see a huge market for floating solar on reservoirs and agricultural ponds.
The controversial cuts have been postponed through August to give solar investors some certainty for current projects.