Renault Rolls Out Enormous Solar Plan to Lower Environmental Footprint
The auto manufacturer is installing 60MW of solar at six facilities in France.
The auto manufacturer is installing 60MW of solar at six facilities in France.
Fotowatio power plant will be the second largest solar PV project in Nevada at 20 MW.
Vermont's new registration system is model for easy solar permits; NYC Leed-certified building running on fuel cells; Aeroenvironment Installing EV chargers along Oregon's Green Highway.
National Hockey League's purchase of Water Restoration Certificates contributes to the nation's first market-based program that restores fresh water resources.
As part of the SunShot Initiative, this round of funding will standardize the solar permitting process and make it much easier.
California will be hit, but 40 states will be affected with respiratory illnesses.
The partnership could lead to the most effective biofuels refining process and alternatives to petroleum-based chemicals.
Ford's three-cylinder engine will increase mileage, reduce emssions.
Board Chair of leading solar company nominated for Commerce Secretary,
The world's major cities are measuring GHG emissions and have action plans.