GM to Build Plug-In Cadillac
GM says the car will have a bigger all-electric range than Tesla's Model S, which can travel 160 miles on a charge.
GM says the car will have a bigger all-electric range than Tesla's Model S, which can travel 160 miles on a charge.
People would buy clothing products from companies that employ sustainable practices, if they could verify their claims.
USDA, DOE and Navy will invest with the private sector to construct or retrofit drop-in biofuel plants and refineries.
Vestas' first assembly plant in Brazil indicates the country's wind industry is taking off.
DOE: $175M for Advanced Vehicle Research A123 Gets GM Contract for Advanced EV Batteries Pres. Obama Announces Initiative to Spur Biofuels Industry DOE, USDA Fund Bioenergy Crop Research Billion-Ton Update on U.S. Homegrown Energy Resources DOE: $102M Loan Guarantee to Maine Wind Project Interior OKs 550 MW Solar Project in California Registration Begins for America’s Home Energy Challenge DOE Awards $175M for Advanced Vehicle Research DOE announced on August 10 that it will offer over $175 million over the next three to five years to accelerate development and deployment of advanced vehicle technologies. The funds will leverage additional investments by grantees for a total of over $300 million. 40 projects across 15 states will help improve the fuel efficiency of next generation vehicles. Targets include innovations throughout the vehicle, such as better fuels and lubricants, lighter-weight materials, longer-lasting and less-expensive electric vehicle (EV) batteries and components, and engine technologies that more efficient. DOE’s comprehensive approach to vehicle efficiency research and development will help ensure technologies are available to help automakers achieve recently announced fuel efficiency standards. For example, Ford Motor will get $1.5 million to identify fuel properties that enable novel low-emission combustion strategies. For another, US Automotive Materials Partnership […]
A poll of voters in Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia and Tennessee and finds wide opposition to the destructive mining practice in all four states and across party lines.
Kroger's first solar systems are on two Smith's Food & Drug stores in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Now in its 16th year, employees cycle to work, which often leads regular non-motorized communtes.
Enel Green Power North America has final approval to add a solar plant to its geothermal field in Nevada.
Despite a struggling economy, the US solar PV market will double in 2011.