India Ups Investments in Solar, Wind As Fossil Fuels Become More Risky
Costs for imported coal is rising, while they're coming down for wind and solar.
Costs for imported coal is rising, while they're coming down for wind and solar.
The country voted to launch a cap-and-trade program in 2015.
31% of companies say sustainable business practices now contribute to their profits, and 70% say it's now permanently esconsed in their management strategy.
Thanks to strong policies and the improving cost-competitiveness of solar and wind, India will exceed its 5-Year Plan target.
Its leadership is evident in its commitment to renting high fuel efficiency cars, implementing solar and efficiency in operations.
This is a big week for pushing oil drilling, the tar sands pipeline, repeal of oil subsidies, renewables tax break, and still, Solyndra.
From fostering monocultures to increased herbicide use and weed resistance, Monsanto wins largely through its lobbying influence.
Crucial forests are still under relentless pressure from industrial interests.
The Tea Party views efforts to address climate change, restore the environment, increase efficiency and develop using
People are leaving cities and their lack of jobs behind to start organic farms across the US.