Finally, An Apollo Program to Combat Climate Change
Within 10 years, baseload wind and/or solar energy will cost less than coal in every country, and oil and gas too.
Within 10 years, baseload wind and/or solar energy will cost less than coal in every country, and oil and gas too.
The tide has turned against tar sands pipelines in Canada, but a spiderweb network is growing in the US, leading to a major protest this weekend in St. Paul, Minnesota.
After leasing public land that holds 2.2 billion tons of coal, the government plans to quintriple that.
10% of revenue supports projects like giving free solar systems to low income families; meanwhile, California chooses natural gas over renewables for a $2.2 billion project.
Maryland had a veto-proof majority for the fracking moratorium, while NY State issued a 2000-page report on why it banned fracking permanently.
In what's become hugely controversial, the EPA issued regulations that protects water sources from pollution.
If you think no movement has ever faced apocalyptic challenges before, and won, then read this about the Nuclear Freeze campaign.
Connecticut has the first statewide program that scores all homes on energy efficiency.
Becoming a hub for smart buildings will help Seattle be a global leader in clean energy innovation.
Boston is way ahead of US cities on energy efficiency, and green leases would significantly increase building efficiency for all cities.