Angel Investing On the Rise, After Down Years of Recession
Angel investing rose on all counts in 2011, from the number of people investing to the deal size.
Angel investing rose on all counts in 2011, from the number of people investing to the deal size.
Fishermen's Energy says it will be followed by a utility-scale plant, 12 miles offshore.
The industry only installed 91 MW last year, and is growing faster in other countries.
Oil industry, Koch Bros-funded groups are working to eliminate Clean Fuel Standards, while they push new tar sands pipelines to the East Coast.
The 150 megawatt program gets underway this year, when half of that is expected to come online.
Unemployed construction workers are being trained to build them and then go to work right next door.
State Grid Corporation of China plans to build a national transmission infrastructure in just 5 years.
Facebook and Opower's app allow people to see their energy use and compare it with their friends.
Solazyme and Bunge are building a commercial-scale oils plant that comes online next year.
Camry and Prius on Toyota's best selling models in the US, and both hit record sales in March.