Philadelphia: The Greenest City in the US

When Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter took office in January 2008, he pledged in his inaugural address to make this 6th largest city in the US, the greenest city by 2015. To do so, he created the Mayor’s Office of Sustainability and redesigned city government, appointing a team of deputy mayors to oversee and coordinate among departments. After a year of research on municipal sustainability and conferring with residents and businesses, Greenworks Philadelphia was released in 2009. The ambitious plan sets 15 sustainability targets in the areas of energy, environment, equity, economy, and engagement to make Philadelphia the greenest city in America by 2015, including: Reduce city government energy consumption 30%; citywide building energy consumption 10% Retrofit 15% of housing stock with insulation, air sealing and cool roofs Buy or generate 20% of electricity from renewable energy sources Reduce greenhouse gas emissions 20% Diverting 70% of solid waste from landfill Providing park and recreation resources within 10 minutes of 75% of residents Bring local food within 10 minutes of 75% of residents Increase tree coverage 30% in all neighborhoods by 2025 Reduce vehicle miles traveled 10% • Double the number of green jobs. Greening Storm Water Infrastructure The City’s 719-page "Green […]

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