Most Anti-Environment House in History Votes 109 Times to Enrich Big Oil
The GOP has slashed key clean energy programs 13 times in recent weeks, while pushing for oil and gas drilling everywhere.
The GOP has slashed key clean energy programs 13 times in recent weeks, while pushing for oil and gas drilling everywhere.
The US is on track to meet or even exceed Obama's target of 17% by 2020, largely because of using much less coal.
All the technology needed is available today, but a more flexible grid is the key, says NREL.
Among the goals is for efficiency to meet 100% of new electricity load growth.
200 civil groups are there, with 50,000 people expected June 20, when the main summit begins.
The ground-mounted solar array covers eight acres and was built by SunPower Corp
The huge boom that's expected will likely catapult Japan into the world's top solar market.
Romney has done a complete about face on energy, once touting clean energy, but now calls it an imaginary world.
Walgreens has 200 Well Experience stores; natural food could make up half of food sales.
Amprius may hold the key to lithium batteries, Sharp achieves breakthrough on concentrating solar cell.