How Business Can Curb Sprawl

The spread of the suburb – sprawl – continues to gobble up the landscape and diminish quality of life. It’s gaining nation attention as evidenced by Al Gore’s Livability Agenda and now, two major studies have been released on the subject. One study by the National Association of Local Government Environmental Professionals (NALGEP) presents examples of what business leaders are doing to curb sprawl. It also identifies the institutional barriers, tax policies, and local and federal government regulations that must be overcome if “smart growth” practices are to become widespread. DaimlerChrysler, for example, sited a new engine plant near downtown Detroit. The company invested $1.6 billion to purchase and redevelop a brownfield site, which has contributed to revitalization of downtown Detroit. Consumers Energy, Michigan’s largest investor-owned utility helped establish the Consumers Renaissance Development Corporation, a non-profit which promotes brownfield development throughout Michigan. Smart growth practices make economic sense since its much less expensive to locate customers along existing power lines than to build new infrastructure. Two south Florida developers, the Arvida Company and the Pulte Home Corporation, are leading a group called “Eastward Ho!”. It is redirecting growth away from the environmentally threatened Everglades back east toward established communities. The […]

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Free Trade Leads from Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe

This looks like a “find.” USAID’s Global Technology Network is a free service that provides small and medium- size U.S. companies with business opportunities from the developing world. GTN’s goal is to transfer sustainable technology from the U.S. to the developing world. Leads generally fall into these categories: equipment purchases, agent/distributor relationships, and joint ventures. There are a number of very useful services including one- on-one counseling to help position companies, and even travel grants to further business relationships. You can register online. GTN focuses on four industry sectors: Agricultural Technology Communications & Information Technology Environment & Energy Technology Health Technology [sorry this link is no longer available]

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Car Bits & Bites

In a survey of SUV owners, 83 percent were unaware their vehicle is allowed to pollute up to three times more than regular cars. The majority of people surveyed (87%) believe they should be held to the same standards as regular cars. Engineers at the Union of Concerned Scientists are ready to help. They have designed an Ford Explorer with existing technology that gets 50 percent better mileage (28.4 mpg), pollutes 75 percent less (meets 2004 standards), and has a lower total cost. In another poll, the “Detroit News” found that many people (66%) the federal government needs to play a greater role to help alternative fuel vehicles penetrate the market. Almost half of the respondents preferred positive incentives like tax credits or rebates; 38 percent suggested subsidizing automakers to develop the technology. A minuscule five percent favored raising gas prices. Finally, Nissan North America is hoping to debut the world’s first gasoline, super ultra low-emission vehicle (SULEV) for the 2000 model year. The company is in the final stages of applying for California certification. A version of the “Sentra” model will meet the state’s most stringent standards other than a ZEV – a zero emissions vehicle. Relatively few vehicles […]

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Wind Power New York

It’s a little known fact but New York state is the second largest wind resource in the northeast (Maine is the first) and has as much energy potential as California. 13 wind energy companies have formed a new coalition, “Wind Power New York,” to direct wind projects to the state. New York has a potential 5,000 MW of wind capacity. $1 billion has been spent to locate windfarms in 12 states totaling 1,000 MW, none of them in New York. To encourage windfarms to locate here, the group is lobbying for a Renewables Portfolio Standard (sets a minimum percentage of electricity that must come from renewables), tax credits, and equitable transmission and connection rules for wind projects. Contact: David Wooley: [sorry this link is no longer available]

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Join This Recycled Paper Co-op

When your business or public agency joins the Recycled Products Purchasing Cooperative you’ll gain access to 30 percent postconsumer recycled paper that meets or beats virgin paper prices. Solana Recyclers of Encinitas, California is behind the effort. Currently, discount prices are available in California, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, Oregon and Washington and will expand to all 50 states over the coming year. 760-436-7986

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U.S. Governors Adopt Smart Growth Policy

At this summer’s annual meeting of the National Governors Association, which represents governors from all 50 states, “Principles for Better Land Use” was adopted as land use policy. As the 1999 Chair of NGA’s Natural Resources Committee, Maryland Governor Glendening, who initiated the policy commented, “There are better ways to accommodate growth than to spend government money subsidizing the development of our natural resources and creating urban sprawl. The guiding principles in our new policy encourage more sustainable growth.” The 10 principles encourage state and local governments to: — Mix land uses — Take advantage of existing community assets — Create a range of housing opportunities and choices — Foster “walkable” close-knit neighborhoods — Promote distinctive communities with a strong sense of place, rehabilitate and use historic buildings — Preserve open space, farmland, natural beauty, and critical environmental areas — Strengthen and encourage growth in existing communities — Provide a variety of transportation choices — Make development decisions predictable, fair and cost-effective — Encourage citizen and stakeholder participation in development decisions

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Renewables Deserve More Funding

The Sustainable Energy Coalition recently delivered a letter to President Bill Clinton asking him to veto a Fiscal Year 2000 funding bill that provides inadequate funding for renewables (a 22% cut) and efficiency programs (a 18% cut). “The cuts are particularly unacceptable as we finish up a summer season marked by record temperatures, a severe drought in the eastern U.S., massive wildfires in the western states, the spread of insects carrying tropical diseases into northern states, and the prospect of wide-spread destruction throughout the south by hurricanes such as Floyd,” says the Coalition’s letter.

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Profiles: Green Buildings With Recycled Materials

The National Recycling Coalition’s Buy Recycled Business Alliance has compiled 20 building project profiles that extensively use recycled materials. The one-page summaries are online: they concisely describe the project, materials used, along with key contact information for their sources. A companion supplement provides details and discusses the challenges encountered in using the materials. Among the facilities profiled are: – Ben & Jerry’s – Women’s Humane Society Animal Shelter, Bensalem, PA. – The Body Shop American Headquarters, Wake Forest, NC. – Metro Regional Headquarters, Portland, OR. – Erickson’s Corporate Headquarters, Hudson, WI. It’s free. Kevin Berry: At the BRBA website, Click into “What’s New” FROM Environmental Building News

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Home Depot Will Stop Selling Old Growth Wood

You may have heard about Home Depot’s important announcement, but in case you haven’t, here’s what CEO Arthur Blank said in his keynote speech at the company’s 20th anniversary dinner: “Our pledge to our customers, associates and stockholders is that Home Depot will stop selling wood products from environmentally sensitive areas. By the end of 2002, we will eliminate from our stores wood from endangered areas — including certain lauan, redwood and cedar products — and give preference to ‘certified’ wood. The company pledged to hold the line on prices during the transition to sustainable wood products. Rainforest Action Network, the leader of an international campaign to influence Home Depot to change its policy, was both jubilant and cautious. Home Depot made a similar commitment in 1992 that it failed to follow through on. Blank said the company decided to act now because “Frankly, given the size of the company today we have the ability…to make a change in the world. For many years, when we were smaller, we didn’t have that opportunity.” Home Depot joins 27 U.S. corporations – including IBM, Dell, Kinko’s, Nike, 3M, Levi-Strauss, Mitsubishi Motors America, Mitsubishi Electric America, and others – who, in December 1998, […]

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Getting Into the Remanufacturing Business

Manufacturing with Reused and Recycled Materials: 50 Small Opportunities is available from Materials For The Future Foundation. It profiles 50 manufacturing businesses that deal in recycled/reused materials ranging from aluminum to wood. It includes information on business planning and getting financing. 415-561-6530; FROM Waste Reduction Tips

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