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The largest windfarm in the eastern U.S. will be built as a result of 1997 legislation that requires eastern Wisconsin utilities to source 50 megawatts of power from renewable sources. FPL Energy Wisconsin Wind, a subsidiary of Florida-based FPL Energy, will install 33 turbines by the end of 2000 north of Milwaukee. FPL is the largest U.S. wind generator, with 4300 megawatts of capacity in the U.S. and South America. In other news, one of the world’s largest windfarms has commenced operations in Iowa. The 260 turbine Storm Lake Wind Power Project will generate 193 megawatts of energy, enough to power 72,000 homes. Enron Wind developed the site where wind towers soar 208 feet above the ground with 79 foot blades as wide as the wingspan of a jumbo jet. The project displaces 300,000 tons of coal.
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The green building listserv sponsored by Environmental Building News and CREST has been going strong since 1996 with about 500 subscribers. Now a new group has formed to focus explicitly on environmental issues affecting large buildings. Instructions for joining both lists: http://www.ebuild.com
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The third largest U.S. church joined 16 northern California Episcopal churches as part of the ‘Episcopal Power & Light’ initiative to purchase renewable energy and practice energy efficiency. They are GreenMountain.com customers, buying its 100 percent renewable product which comes from geothermal, biomass, small-scale hydro, and landfill gas.
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The results of a preliminary survey conducted by the Sustainable Energy Coalition show the range of views held by the presidential candidates on climate change and the proposed Kyoto Protocol. Democrats Bill Bradley and Al Gore support Senate ratification of the Kyoto Protocol and emphatically concur that climate change is a matter of major concern. Gore stresses “there is overwhelming scientific consensus that human activity is contributing to global warming … while Bradley notes it is a “serious problem” that “we need to confront … without further delay.” Both candidates endorse corporate incentives for voluntary action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. No Republican is in favor of ratifying the Kyoto Protocol. Bush calls it “ineffective, inadequate, and … a bad deal for America and Americans.” He “believe[s] there is global warming,” but “both the causes and impact of this slight warming are uncertain.” What does he think should be done about it? Bush says, “America must work with businesses … to develop new technologies to reduce harmful emissions.” John McCain acknowledges that “a growing number of scientists believe that global climate change is a real phenomenon” but sees the issue as a “scientific question, not a political question.” He wants […]
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The Office of Policy and Reinvention of the U.S. EPA offers an international directory of organizations and contacts related to sustainable business. It is available in PDF format and is updated monthly. It covers national initiatives, policy & business organizations, NGOs related to labor and human rights and the environment, monitoring organizations and programs, financial organizations, foundations, media, and academia. Michael J. Kane: kane.michael@epa.gov [sorry this link is no longer available]
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For the first time since the 1940s, when the air quality in Los Angeles became a public concern, the city issued no Stage 1 smog alerts this summer (the most dangerous level of smog). Instead, Houston won the honor of being the most smoggy U.S. city, with 44 Stage 1 alert days. The Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) Texas chapter blames it on Texas Governor George Bush’s cozy relationship with polluters. The group claims Bush allowed industry to “write loopholes to allow their smokestacks to avoid regulation.” PEER’s website reveals internal memos that document how Texas air quality laws were weakened for the benefit of key industry players. Watch this website for ongoing stories related to Bush’s environmental record. Texas Peer: http://www.txpeer.org Source: Environment News Service: [sorry this link is no longer available]
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Shri Shakti Alternative Energy Technologies (SSAET) received US$2.2 million in seed money to open 300 energy retail stores across India. They will sell solar thermal and PV systems, solar cookers and water pumps, instant gas water heaters, and energy efficient products and appliances. SSAET is a subsidiary of Indias largest private distributor of liquefied petroleum gas. The company sells solar lanterns, power packs and home lighting systems, and offers customer financing and service. Two stores are already operating. One in Kakinada was financed by the Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency and another in Hyderabad was financed directly by Shri Shakti. The seed money is a combination of loan, equity and grant, and comes from the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF), as part of the $25 million Photovoltaic Market Transformation Initiative. The Initiative was created in 1998 to spur solar energy markets in India, Kenya and Morocco. This marks the first investment; others are in the works for all three countries. Source: Environment News Service: [sorry this link is no longer available]
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The American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy sorts through the thousands of major home appliances and heating and cooling systems on the market and picks out those that are most efficient in their annual Consumer Guide to Home Energy Savings. This year’s top-rated refrigerators, clothes washers, dishwashers, air conditioners, and heat pumps are posted at their website. Information on furnaces, boilers, and water heaters will follow soon. An efficient clothes washer, for example, saves about 100,000 gallons of water and $750 -$1200 in energy and water bills during its lifetime. Similarly, a top-rated central air conditioner consumes a third less power than a standard model. ACEEE produces a number of other useful guides on remodeling, efficient commercial & office equipment, and the Green Guide to Cars & Trucks. There is a very useful Home Energy Checklist for Action on the website too. If you are in New York State you can search the online NY State Energy Efficiency Directory on the Alliance to Save Energy website (check out the other useful features on this site). You can search for service providers by type of product, type of service, company name, or region of the state. Across the world in […]
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200 million pounds of used carpet a year will be converted to 100 million pounds of recycled nylon at Evergreen Nylon Recycling, a new joint venture between AlliedSignal and DSM Chemicals North America. Even including collection costs, the companies project the recycled resin will cost the same or less as virgin material. Established recyclers will collect used carpet and bring it to the Augusta, GA. plant, which is expected to open late this year. Carpet carrying AlliedSignal’s “Infinity” label will be available sometime in 2000. At first it will consist of 25 percent recycled fiber with the goal of reaching 100 percent recycled fiber when volume permits. Contact Heather Sheehan at AlliedSignal.
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This September, Progressive Investment Management launched Portfolio 21, the first U.S mutual fund that consists of companies chosen for their leadership and commitment to sustainability. The portfolio of companies show a commitment to sustainability through their business strategies and investments, practices of using and developing clean energy sources, resource efficiency and environmental management, ecologically superior product lines, and their role in influencing industry toward sustainable practices. Each company is scored against standards tailored to its industry group. Progressive worked with Susan Burns, Natural Strategies Inc. to translate The Natural Step principles of sustainability into a concrete set of criteria. Progressive believes companies that employ these principles are more efficient and profitable today and are positioned to prosper in the future. “We’re looking for companies that see environmental sustainability as a business opportunity in addition to a stewardship issue,” says chairman Carsten Henningsen. “There are no absolutely sustainable companies. We have identified those we believe have the greatest potential and highest commitment to work toward a sustainable future.” Portfolio 21 is a world-wide fund that invests in companies of all sizes. There are 30-40 stocks in the portfolio now, including Mitsubishi Electric, Astropower, Scandic Hotels, Electrolux, and Ballard Power Systems. U.S. […]
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