SolarCity, Borrego Raise $165 Million in Solar Financing
Solar leasing continues to attract investment, despite the sluggish US economy.
Solar leasing continues to attract investment, despite the sluggish US economy.
UTC Power systems will provide provide at least 40% of the energy for two CBS production sites.
The number of waste-to-energy plants is expected to grow rapidly worldwide over the next decade.
Protests over protecting an ocean fishery are latest example of growing environmental awareness.
A new index will let retailers assess apparel and footwear for impact on water, energy and waste.
The world's largest retailer aims to supply 100 percent of its electricity needs with renewable energy.
The fast-food chain stands alone with its national support of local and organic vegetables.
This drought-ridden country has invested massively in water recycling and desalination.
The solar trade war continues, but it would be more serious for the Chinese in Europe than in the US.
It covers all renewable energies except ocean energy and runs for 20 years.