SolarSummary: October 1 7, 2002

by Kirsten Elder Companies in the news AstroPower Energy Outfitters Evergreen Solar First Solar Kyocera Solar-Fabrik Xantrex Technology CorrectionIssue 35: Grameen Shakti is a renewable energy organisation based in Bangladesh.Emerging Technologies A team of solar energy researchers from the Australian National University in Canberra has received a grant of AUS$800,000 to assist in the development of low cost solar cells. The funding is part of the AUS$12 million that has been awarded to Australian Capital Territory scientists in the latest round of Australian Research Council (ARC) grants. The joint ARC and industry grant will be used to develop new production methods for solar cells that will help reduce the cost of home-based solar collectors. (ABC Canberra via Solarbuzz, 02/10/02)Applications Nevada Power Co. plans to budget $9.2 million for pilot programs that will enable residents and small businesses to reduce their power consumption, pending regulatory approval. The programs range from rebates for reducing air conditioner use to subsidies for installing energy efficient air conditioners and solar power units. Customers wishing to install new PV solar systems will need time-of-use meters to qualify for the $3/watt subsidy. The company said a typical customer would spend $10,000 for a 1,000-watt photovoltaic system and […]

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