SolarSummary: October 8 14, 2002
by Kirsten Elder Companies in the news Energy Conversion Devices ECD (Bekaert ECD/United Solar Systems) EnviroMission Evergreen Solar PowerLight Corp Solar Dynamics SolarWorld Applications EnBW, one of the largest German Utilities, today announced the inauguration a new 50 kW photovoltaic installation, which the company says is the largest Copper Indium Diselenide thin film (CIS) PV array in the world. This installation is viewed as the next step on the road to commercial production of the technology. The PV array is located at the technology park in Marbach, Germany. (Solarbuzz, 08/10/02) The Arizona utility, Arizona Public Service Co., has said it plans by early next year to have a solar power plant with a production capacity of 1.5 MW, increasing to 5.5 MW in three to five years. The site is a 50-acre field full of PV panels, mirrors and reflectors near Prescott airport. Under an Environmental Portfolio Standard, APS and other investor-owned utilities must this year derive 0.4 percent of their power from renewable resources. For APS, that amounts to about 25 MW. APS must make up the difference between the solar power it generates and the required amount by purchasing hydro and wind power from other producers. (Arizona Republic […]