Weekly Clean Energy Roundup: Jan. 15, 2003

Provided by EREN Network News*News and Events Toyota to Produce First Hybrid Electric Luxury SUV in 2005 GM Introduces Hybrid Electric Military Pickup with Fuel Cell California Proposes Delay to Zero-Emission Vehicle Program ChevronTexaco to Use Ethanol in Southern California by May N.Y. Governor Proposes 25 Percent Renewable Power Mandate Solar Power Installed at the White House and in California *Site NewsAutoclaved Aerated Concrete Products Association (AACPA)*Energy Facts and TipsEIA: U.S. May Draw on Imports for 70 Percent of Oil by 2025———————————————————————-NEWS AND EVENTS———————————————————————-Toyota to Produce First Hybrid Electric Luxury SUV in 2005Toyota Motor Corporation unveiled a new hybrid electric drive system last week and promised to use it in the Lexus RX 330, a luxury sport utility vehicle (SUV), by 2005. Toyota’s new hybrid system uses wheel-mounted electric motors on all four wheels, combined with a traditional gasoline engine and a nickel-metal-hydride battery pack.According to Toyota, the hybrid electric Lexus RX 330 will use a six-cylinder engine to produce the power and torque of an eight- cylinder engine with “the fuel mileage of a compact car.” For now, the new hybrid drive is featured in Toyota’s sport utility hybrid vehicle (SU-HV) concept car, now on display at the North […]

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SolarSummary: January 7 – 13, 2003

by Kirsten Elder Companies in the news BP Solar www.bpsolar.com Duke Solar Energy www.dukesolar.com Evergreen Solar www.evergreensolar.com Kyocera Solar www.kyocerasolar.com PowerLight Corp www.powerlight.com Solon AG www.solonag.de Spire Solar, Inc. www.spiresolar.com Uni-Solar www.uni-solar.com New Products Uni-Solar has announced an exclusive strategic alliance with Solar Integrated Technologies of Los Angeles, California to use Uni-Solar flexible solar electric laminates for integration with single-ply roofing membranes for Southern California. The partnership will produce the first (in North America) building-integrated photovoltaic roofing membrane system for commercial and industrial uses. (SolarAccess.com, 09/01/03) Applications Kyocera Solar has been chosen by the California Fair Industry to provide 2.4 MW of solar modules for electric power generation to fairgrounds throughout the state. The California Fair Industry estimates that the grid-tied solar systems will allow state fairs to take advantage of California’s net metering program and will reduce their energy costs by approximately 20 percent. (SolarAccess.com, 06/01/03) The largest solar electric rooftop system at any university in the world and the largest system in Southern California will be installed at Los Angeles Loyola Marymount University in early 2003 due to a partnership between the university, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP), the Southern California Gas Company, and […]

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