SolarSummary: January 14 – 20, 2003

by Kirsten Elder Companies in the news Bonneville Environmental Foundation Evergreen Solar Green Mountain Energy Co. Occidental Power Sanyo Electric Applications In the UK, Sheffield College has proposed a 20 million campus in the heart of a Sheffield suburb that they hope will become a green beacon for the city. The college says that the new facility will use solar power and glass front panels that will save money on energy bills and reduce emissions. (Sheffield Today via, 20/01/03) A project to install PV systems on eight schools has recently been completed in the city of Frth in Bavaria. The total rated output of the PV systems is 250 kilowatts. The total project was put together by private investors putting up a total of 1.2 million. The solar energy will be fed in to the electricity grid and secure a tariff of 48.1 cents per kWh provided under the German Feed In tariff law. (, 15/01/03) Bonneville Environmental Foundation (BEF) has announced the dedication of a 2.4 kilowatt PV solar electric system at West Salem High School in Oregon. The system will supply a portion of the school’s electricity while allowing students to gain […]

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