GM Matches Funds To Protect Brazilian Rainforest
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What kind of hydrogen economy do we want? Few people are asking the hard questions.
How do Amory Lovins, James Cannon and Jeremy Rifkin view the possibility of a hydrogen energy economy?
Biodiesel is cleaner, produces far lower greenhouse gas emissions than petroleum diesel and is biodegradable.
News and Events DOE Launches “Climate VISION” to Cut Greenhouse Gases Marines, Tucson Utility to Add Large Solar Power Facilities U.S. Air Force Base, Kinko’s, and World Bank Buy Green Power Drilling Underway for First Commercial Hot Dry Rock Facility Microturbines Provide Onsite Power to Offshore Oil Platforms *Site NewsRenewable Energy Policy Project (REPP) Discussion Groups *Energy Facts and TipsVenezuelan Oil Crisis Tightens World Oil Supplies———————————————————————-NEWS AND EVENTS———————————————————————-DOE Launches “Climate VISION” to Cut Greenhouse GasesDOE announced a new voluntary partnership to reduce greenhouse gas emissions last week. The new “Climate VISION,” launched by DOE on behalf of the Bush Administration, is a public-private partnership to pursue cost-effective initiatives that will reduce the projected growth in U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. The “VISION” in the title stands for “Voluntary Innovative Sector Initiatives: Opportunities Now.” It will be administered through DOE’s policy and international program. See the DOE press release at: [sorry this link is no longer available]President Bush issued a statement in support of the new partnership. See the President’s statement on the White House Web site at: [sorry this link is no longer available]In an accompanying fact sheet, DOE spelled out a number of energy efficiency and renewable energy commitments that […]
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