President Obama Executive Order Sets National Goal for Combined Heat & Power
His executive order calls for 40 GW of CHP by 2020 to push investments in industrial energy efficiency.
His executive order calls for 40 GW of CHP by 2020 to push investments in industrial energy efficiency.
After the world's biggest power outage, India moves to quickly add solar and spur adoption of advanced vehicles
The tool helps wind investors screen and assess locations for possible wildlife and habitat impacts early in the planning process.
Judge caves to high level government pressure and overturns decision to halt construction of one of the most destructive dams in the world.
TransCanada is using eminent domain to seize private property for the southern portion of pipeline.
Ikea's 1-megawatt installation in Minnesota is the largest rooftop PV system in the state.
The loan will finance completion of battery switching stations in Denmark and Israel.
The American Meteorological Society released its official position: the evidence is unequivocal and humans are the cause.
China's leadership and US and European policy uncertainty keep China at the top.
The standards will double the mileage drivers get today and cut greenhouse gases by half from passenger cars and light trucks.