Ricoh Wins 2003 WEC Gold Medal

The 2003 World Environment Center (WEC) Gold Medal award for International Corporate Achievement in Sustainable Development goes to Ricoh Company, Ltd., a leading office equipment company. Masamitsu Sakurai, president and COO, will accept the award on behalf of the company’s 74,000 employees around the world at a formal gala on May 15 at the National Building Museum in Washington DC. Only one company receives the Gold Medal each year; Ricoh is the first Asian company to be so honored. The award was established in 1985, and is awarded by an independent jury of international environmental experts to a corporation that demonstrates pre-eminent leadership in sustainable development and contributes to worldwide environmental quality. The signature contribution on which the jury based its decision is Ricoh’s outstanding performance combined with world class energy efficiency technology, reduction of emissions, zero-waste to landfill in production, green suppliers pipeline, and a cutting edge environmental management system globally implemented. Innovest Strategic Value Advisors, the U.S. investment research company that correlates company performance with environmental initiatives, gives Ricoh the highest “eco-rating,” AAA. Oekom, a German corporate responsibility ratings agency also gives Ricoh the highest rating. Among its activities, Ricoh: * established a system to work with suppliers […]

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Weekly Clean Energy Roundup:April 9, 2003

*News and Events DOE Awards $130.6 Million to 32 States for Weatherization Fuel Economy For Light Trucks to Increase 7 Percent by 2007 California’s Small, Clean Power Generators Avoid Extra Fees Connecticut Clean Energy Fund Picks Seven Solar Projects Michigan Energy Center to Combine Fuel Cell, Solar, and More Nevada PUC Approves Solar Thermal Power Plant Contract*Site NewsOklahoma Wind Power Initiative———————————————————————-NEWS AND EVENTS———————————————————————-DOE Awards $130.6 Million to 32 States for WeatherizationDOE announced on April 4th its award of $130.6 million to 32 states for energy efficiency improvements to the homes of low-income families. Low-income families spend an average of 14 percent of their income on energy, compared with 3.5 percent for the average American. Weatherization reduces an average home’s energy costs by $224 a year. The program gives a priority to low-income families that include children, the elderly, or people with disabilities. The Congressional appropriation for the Weatherization Assistance Program is $223.5 million in fiscal year (FY) 2003 — enough to weatherize about 93,750 homes. The FY 2003 funding is down slightly from $230 million in FY 2002, but President Bush has requested an increase of nearly 30 percent for FY 2004. The program performs energy audits to identify the […]

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Hemp's Last Hurrah

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