Weekly Clean Energy Roundup:May 7, 2003

*News and Events FPL to Install 135 Megawatts of Wind Power in Three States EPA Buys 100 Percent Wind Power for Its New York City Office DOE Funds HTS Transmission Cable Project on Long Island Trees and Green Roofs Hold Promise for Urban Energy Savings Six High Schools Win the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Model Challenge*Site NewsTexas Renewable Energy Industries Association*Energy Connections World Renewable Energy Use to Keep Pace with Energy Growth ———————————————————————-NEWS AND EVENTS———————————————————————-FPL to Install 135 Megawatts of Wind Power in Three StatesFPL Energy, LLC announced last week that it will install new wind power plants in North Dakota, Oklahoma, and Pennsylvania by the end of this year. The three wind plants will have a total capacity of 135 megawatts: the company will build a 21-megawatt wind plant near Kulm, in southeast North Dakota; a 51-megawatt wind plant near Woodward, in northwest Oklahoma; and a 63-megawatt wind plant spanning Clinton and Canaan townships in northeast Pennsylvania.GE Wind Energy will deliver more than 300 1.5-megawatt wind turbines to FPL Energy this year to support the company’s wind projects, including previously-announced projects in California, New Mexico, North Dakota, and South Dakota. See the FPL Energy press release at: http://www.fplenergy.com/news/2003/contents/03044.shtmlIn addition to […]

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