House Passes Controversial Wildfire Bill
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Bainbridge Graduate Institute (BGI) is the first graduate school devoted to sustainable business. Although a number of other schools have developed programs with a focus on the environment, BGI offers an MBA education that fully integrates environmental and social responsibility into all of its courses. The BGI learning community approach combines face-to-face and distance learning methods to serve students who live and work in any location.BGI prepares leaders from diverse backgrounds to succeed in creating and managing environmentally and socially responsible (ESR) businesses and nonprofit ventures. BGI students are dedicated to bringing sustainability into the workplace, and in many cases are already doing so. Current students include the chairman of a public utility, present and former senior sustainability managers at Hewlett Packard and Shell, successful entrepreneurs, the founders of the world’s leading co-housing company, engineers, a documentary film-maker and a fascinating variety of other professionals, activists, and business people.Drawing on thought leaders from many communities, BGI’s faculty includes corporate leaders, environmental educators and activists, sustainable business academics, entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, organizational consultants, change agents, scientists and technologists. The faculty includes many leaders in sustainability including Amory Lovins, co-author of Natural Capitalism, resource conservation guru and co-founder of the Rocky Mountain Institute; […]
By Stacy MalkanSometimes a solution creates problems of its own. When Bill and Melinda Gates and the Gates Foundation, through the World Health Organization, spent billions of dollars on immunization programs worldwide to stop the spread of preventable disease, a new challenge was created: what to do with all those plastic needles. The billions of syringes used each year for vaccination or therapy can’t be reused without risking the spread of Hepatitis B and HIV. But the proposed solution, burning the waste, poses yet another major health risk. Waste incinerators emit dangerous air pollutants such as dioxin, one of the most potent carcinogens and an endocrine-disrupting chemical that already contaminates the breast milk of mothers around the world. “Does the price of immunizing children have to be the pollution of mother’s milk? We want the answer to be no,” says Charlotte Brody, RN, executive director of the international coalition Health Care Without Harm, which works to transform the health care industry so it is no longer a source of harm to public health and the environment. So Health Care Without Harm, led by engineer Dr. Jorge Emmanuel, sponsored an international competition in search of non-burn waste treatment technologies that could […]
Can businesses "grow" by enhancing their services rather than endlessly getting bigger? The BALLE network thinks so.
*News and Events Eighteen Veterans Hospitals Earn the Energy Star Label UPS to Test Fuel-Cell-Powered Delivery Vehicles in Michigan Ethanol Industry Growing as States Consider New MTBE Bans Cal State Hayward to Install One Megawatt of Solar Power U.S. Wind Industry to Grow 25 Percent in 2003 Pennsylvania Launches a $5-Million Clean Energy Initiative*Site NewsInterfaith Coalition on Energy*Energy Connections New York and Connecticut May Face Power Problems this Summer ———————————————————————-NEWS AND EVENTS———————————————————————-Eighteen Veterans Hospitals Earn the Energy Star LabelDOE and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) awarded the Energy Star to 18 Veterans Affairs medical centers on May 14th. The winning medical centers were identified and qualified through a joint effort of EPA, DOE’s Federal Energy Management Program, DOE’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and the Department of Veterans Affairs. The energy-efficient medical centers are located in 16 states: Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho, Indiana, Massachusetts, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and Washington State. See the DOE press release at: [sorry this link is no longer available]The joint EPA/DOE Energy Star program for rating and labeling building energy performance, now in its fourth year, has recognized more than 1,000 U.S. buildings as models of energy […]
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