Michigan's Quest to Boost Renewable Portfolio Standard Wins Key Support
November ballot measure requires the state to source 25% of its power from renewable sources by 2025.
November ballot measure requires the state to source 25% of its power from renewable sources by 2025.
Corporations increasingly view acting on climate change as a business imperative.
Coal, nuclear and natural gas power plants drink up half the freshwater withdrawn from US rivers.
Much of the research so far has under-estimated the potential for wind.
Questions gauge vulnerabilities related to environmental, social and governance metrics.
Solyndra will be a central messaging device during this election to turn public opinion against renewable energy and President Obama.
This-first-of-its kind carbon capture and sequestation project will inject a million tons of CO2 deep underground each year.
Blue River Technology is targeting organic farmers and agribusinesses fighting chemical-resistant weeds.
Shipments will rise 61% this year, led by fuel cells that charge consumer electronics.
Two of the dirtiest, oldest coal plants close, while Canada finalizes weak regulations to phase out coal.