Gephardt Vows to End U.S. Foreign Oil Addiction
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*News and Events Secretary Wants International Partners for Hydrogen Economy DOE Asks Eaton to Advance Hybrid Truck Systems University of Wisconsin Wins FutureTruck 2003 Solar Cars Zoom Down Route 66 Illinois Passes Biodiesel Tax Incentive and Grants Package Portland Sewage Plant Powers Itself with Biogas*Site News Virtual-Web Energy Demonstration Construction Center*Energy Connections Low Natural Gas Stores Concern DOE, Federal Reserve ———————————————————————-NEWS AND EVENTS———————————————————————-Secretary Wants International Partners for Hydrogen EconomyU.S. Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham has called on the European Commission (EC) to join the United States in forming what he called The International Partnership for the Hydrogen Economy. The Secretary issued the challenge Friday during his keynote to the EC’s Conference of the High Level Group on Hydrogen and Fuel Cell (HLG-HFC) Technologies convening in Brussels. In 2002,HLG-HFC Technologies–a coalition of EC auto and transport companies, utilities research institutes, and policy makers–made advances in hydrogen a top priority. At the same time, U.S. President George Bush established the Hydrogen Fuel Initiative to develop hydrogen infrastructure and hydrogen fuel cell-powered vehicles and introduced the Freedom CAR program to develop automotive systems that use hydrogen fuel.In his address the Secretary said an international partnership that includes devotion of substantial financial resources would […]
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