Weekly Clean Energy Roundup:July 9, 2003

*News and Events DOE Awards $89 Million to 19 States for Home Weatherization New Large Wind Power Plants Planned for New York, Washington New Catalyst Produces Hydrogen from Biomass Without Platinum Research Institute Advances Grid Connection Technology Indiana Fuel Terminal Offers Biodiesel, Easing Distribution Thirty Solar Cars to Race on Route 66 Starting July 13th*Energy ConnectionsU.S. Energy-Related Carbon Emissions Increased in 2002DOE Awards $89 Million to 19 States for Home WeatherizationDOE announced on July 1st its award of $89.4 million to 19 states for energy efficiency improvements to homes of low-income families. Low-income families spend an average of 14 percent of their income on energy, compared with 3.5 percent for the average American. The grants were awarded to Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Utah, Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. [sorry this link is no longer available]Weatherization reduces an average home’s energy costs by $215 a year. The program, which is administered through the states and 970 local agencies, gives a priority to low-income households with elderly members, people with disabilities, and children. See DOE’s Weatherization Assistance Program Web site at:[sorry this link is no longer available]New Large […]

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