Spire – Solar Manufacturer Awarded Contract
URL: http://www.solaraccess.com/news/story?storyid=4702 Website: http://www.solaraccess.com/news/story?storyid=4702
URL: http://www.solaraccess.com/news/story?storyid=4702 Website: http://www.solaraccess.com/news/story?storyid=4702
*News and Events DOE Kicks Off New “Smart Energy Campaign” State Energy Collaborative Seeks Energy Efficiency Projects Twenty Solar Cars Now Racing Along Historic Route 66 McKnight Foundation to Provide $8 Million for Renewables U.K. Seeks 6,000 Megawatts of Offshore Wind Power*Site NewsSolar Living InstituteDOE Kicks Off New “Smart Energy Campaign”Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham said on July 9th that all Americans should practice smart energy use, and he launched a new DOE public awareness campaign to educate businesses, homeowners, and consumers on ways they can cut energy bills. The Smart Energy Campaign emphasizes DOE’s new Energysavers.gov Web site and features a series of public service announcements and a four-city Smart Energy Tour led by Secretary Abraham. The tour began on July 9th at Long Island City, New York, and wound through Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Columbus, Ohio; and Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on July 10th. The campaign will be supported by electric utilities through announcements inserted into utility bills, and DOE is encouraging state governors and the media to support the campaign. DOE will also hold a series of regional summits on energy use, with the first to take place in Atlanta. See the press releases from July 9th, 10th and 14th on […]
URL: http://ens-news.com/ens/jul2003/2003-07-15-03.asp Website: http://ens-news.com/ens/jul2003/2003-07-15-03.asp
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URL: http://www.planetark.org/dailynewsstory.cfm/newsid/21524/story.htm Website: http://www.planetark.org/dailynewsstory.cfm/newsid/21524/story.htm
URL: http://www.nytimes.com/2003/07/16/dining/16WELL.html?8hpib Website: http://www.nytimes.com/2003/07/16/dining/16WELL.html?8hpib
URL: http://ens-news.com/ens/jul2003/2003-07-15-01.asp Website: http://ens-news.com/ens/jul2003/2003-07-15-01.asp
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