Weekly Clean Energy Roundup:July 23, 2003

*News and Events DOE Awards $75 Million for Advanced Hydrogen Fuel Cells DOE Promotes Smart Energy Use at Atlanta Forum Missouri-Rolla Leads as American Solar Challenge Nears End DOE to Fund Half of New York Superconductor Cable Project Court Ruling Adds Uncertainty to California Ethanol Market Ford Report: Company to Fall Short of SUV Fuel Economy Goal*Energy Connections2003 Shaping Up as Third-Warmest Year on RecordDOE Awards $75 Million for Advanced Hydrogen Fuel CellsDOE announced on July 17th that it will award a total of $75 million to 13 firms and educational institutions for research in advanced fuel cells for vehicles and buildings. The projects will tackle such technical challenges as fuel reformers (to convert common fuels into hydrogen), more durable fuel cell components that can withstand higher temperatures, methods to manage heat and moisture within fuel cells, recycling of expensive platinum catalysts, and replacement of platinum catalysts with less-expensive metals. DOE also recently awarded $21 million to 11 firms and universities for hydrogen storage, production, and sensor technologies. See the July 17th press release: [sorry this link is no longer available]All together, DOE has awarded $96 million this year in support of the President’s FreedomCAR and Hydrogen Fuel Initiatives, and […]

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