Solutia Says Judges Approve PCB Settlement
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Although 12% of the earth surface is now officially protected, studies released at this week’s 5th World Parks Congress in the Durban, South Africa show that many of the areas are too small and have too few safeguards to be safe for inhabitants. And 700 endangered animal species have no protection at all. “Without an immediate and strategic expansion of the protected area system, scientists expect a major wave of extinctions within the next few decades,” said the World Conservation Union (IUCN) and the Center for Applied Biodiversity Science (CABS) who conducted the study.The emphasis at the conference has been to create parks that cross political borders to enlarge protected areas and provide greater protection from poachers and other illegal activity. 2,500 government officials, indigenous leaders, businessmen, and conservationists from 170 countries are attending to find ways to safeguard natural areas while benefiting indigenous peoples.In Africa, Nigeria and Cameroon joined to create a 10,000 square kilometers park that reaches across the country’s boundaries. And protection for the precious heart of the Brazilian Amazon was announced on September 10. Jorge Viana, governor of Brazil’s Acre state, announced the creation of a new 2,600 square mile state park, larger than the state […]
The Energy and Biodiversity Initiative (EBI) is a landmark collaboration between companies in the oil and gas industry and conservation groups to integrate biodiversity considerations into business strategy and operations. The group released its first report, “Energy and Biodiversity: Integrating Biodiversity Conservation into Oil and Gas Development,” in late August. It contains recommendations and tools for integrating biodiversity conservation into oil and gas development, and is intended to be a practical manual for building biodiversity protection into the entire lifecycle of oil and gas operations, from exploration to decommissioning. Convened by the Center for Environmental Leadership in Business (CELB), a division of Conservation International, the EBI participants include BP, ChevronTexaco, Shell, Statoil, Conservation International, Fauna & Flora International, the Smithsonian Institution, The Nature Conservancy, and IUCN – The World Conservation Union. The release of the report marks an important milestone. A biodiversity working group has been set up by the International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association (IPIECA) and the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (OGP) to work with the oil & gas industry to begin testing and refining the report recommendations.While the report is the first step, it is the first time that biodiversity guidelines have been developed […]
NY Governor George Pataki dedicated the first “green” residential high rise building – The Solaire in Battery Park City in downtown New York City. It is first new residential construction completed in the area (near the former World Trade Center) since September 11, 2001, and is the first beneficiary of the state’s green building tax credit. The 27 story, 293 unit building will use 35% less energy (65% less during peak hours) and half the water of comparable conventional buildings. The design and materials result in healthier indoor air and more natural light. A building integrated solar system (BIPV) supplies 5% of the electricity. The Solaire has an on-site black water system to eliminate the use of potable water for the building’s flush system and supply the heating, ventilation and air conditioning cooling tower. It also contains a storm water catchment system to irrigate the rooftop garden. “The Solaire’s dedication to energy efficiency, air quality, water conservation and preservation of natural resources is groundbreaking, establishing it as a benchmark for urban sustainable development and for “green” buildings worldwide,” said Pataki (excerpted from Environmental News Service). At the other spectrum of green building, Builders for Social Responsibility, a group of Vermont […]
San Francisco is one of the biggest solar energy users in the U.S. & Vote Solar is spreading the model to other cities.
Shareholder advocacy exploded in 2003, getting majority votes for the first time.
Renewable Choice finds that 30-35% of the people it approaches sign up for wind power.
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