Weekly Clean Energy Roundup:September 17, 2003

*News and Events DOE Provides $12.3 Million for Crosscutting Energy Projects DOE Releases New Test for “Smart” Dishwashers NIST Awards $24 Million for Fuel Cells, Efficiency, Solar Road Rally to Feature a Wide Range of Vehicle Technologies Washington and Ohio Pursuing New Wind Power Additions Advances in Solar Power Aim for a Touchdown ———————————————————————- NEWS AND EVENTS ———————————————————————- DOE Provides $12.3 Million for Crosscutting Energy ProjectsDOE announced on September 10th that it will award $12.3 million to 21 projects that will advance both energy efficiency and fossil energy technologies. The projects, managed by universities and companies in 13 states, will run from one to three years and include research on materials, fuels and chemicals, sensors and controls, and energy conversions. Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham said the crosscutting research will advance “key technology areas, such as solid-state lighting, membranes that produce hydrogen, advanced fuels and chemicals, solid oxide fuel cells, as well as process sensors and controls.” For a list of participating research partners and their projects, please see DOE’s September 10th press release at:[sorry this link is no longer available]DOE Releases New Test for “Smart” DishwashersConsumers will get more accurate energy efficiency labeling on new dishwashers thanks to a […]

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