Weekly Clean Energy Roundup:October 1, 2003

*News and Events Lansing, Michigan, Joins DOE’s Clean Cities Program R&D 100 Awards Include 12 Renewable, Efficiency Technologies New Automotive Technologies Shine in Clean Vehicle Rally All-Solar Community in Arizona to Feature 487 Off-Grid Homes West Coast Governors Aim to Address Global Warming Study Finds Big Potential for Saving Energy in Supermarkets *Energy Connections Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Launched in Chicago ———————————————————————- NEWS AND EVENTS ———————————————————————- Lansing, Michigan, Joins DOE’s Clean Cities ProgramDOE designated the Greater Lansing Clean Cities Coalition as the newest member of its Clean Cities Program on September 26th. Earning such a designation from the program, which promotes the use of alternative fuels, is not a simple task: The Lansing, Michigan, group has been working for seven years to advance the use of alternative fuels in the area. After the City of Lansing partnered with St. Johns and other area communities and groups to form the coalition, DOE helped the coalition to build a market foundation for alternative fuel vehicles, form its own group of stakeholders, hold meetings, identify a coordinator, define goals, and develop an action plan to achieve those goals. The Clean Cities designation recognizes the Greater Lansing Area Clean Cities Coalition as working to […]

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