Weekly Clean Energy Roundup:October 29, 2003

*News and Events DOE, EPA Announce Fuel Economy Leaders for Model Year 2004 Japanese Automakers Look to the Future at Tokyo Auto Show Thirteen of 22 Cars Complete the World Solar Challenge Big Wind Energy Projects Hit the Great Plains USDA, Rural Electric Coops to Advance Efficiency, Renewables St. Lawrence Hydropower Station Earns New 50-Year License*Energy Connections EIA: U.S. Energy Use Increased 1 Percent in 2002———————————————————————- NEWS AND EVENTS ———————————————————————- <DOE, EPA Announce Fuel Economy Leaders for Model Year 2004 DOE and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the latest edition of the Web-based “Fuel Economy Guide” on October 23rd. The latest edition of the guide includes fuel economy, emissions, and safety data for all model year 2004 vehicles sold in the United States. It also includes fuel-saving tips and additional informationon advanced-technology vehicles, including hybrid electric, alternative fuel, and fuel-cell vehicles. See the Fuel Economy Guide: http://www.fueleconomy.gov/For the fourth year in a row, hybrid electric vehicles are at the top of the fuel efficiency list, and with the new, larger Toyota Prius, hybrids also lead three vehicle classes: the Honda Insight leads the two-seaters, the Honda Civic Hybrid leads the compact cars, and the Toyota Prius leads the […]

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