Weekly Clean Energy Roundup:November 19, 2003

*News and Events EERE Research Grants Available to Small Businesses Hydrogen Technology Projects Slated for Michigan, California HelioVolt and NREL to Advance Thin-Film Solar Power NRDC Opens Highly Energy Efficient Building in California CEC Approves New Energy Efficiency Standards for Buildings CEC Committee Recommends Approval of New Geothermal Plant*Site News Reflective Insulation Manufacturers Association———————————————————————- NEWS AND EVENTS ———————————————————————- EERE Research Grants Available to Small Businesses DOE recently issued its fiscal year 2004 solicitation for its Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (SBTT) programs. Although the solicitations cover a wide range of energy technologies, several grants are being offered through DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE). Specifically, EERE is seeking grant applications for research in lighting technologies, energy efficient membranes, materials for industrial energy systems, sensors and controls, and innovative waste heat recovery methods. EERE is also seeking grant applications for projects to develop new renewable energy sources, including materials and components for solar energy systems, low-head hydropower systems, and hydrogen production via electrolysis, using wind or solar photovoltaic systems. See the EERE solicitation at:[sorry this link is no longer available]Grant applications are due by January 6, 2004. The full SBIR/SBTT solicitation, including all […]

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