Mercury Pollution Reduction Bills Introduced in Five Midwestern States
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*News and Events Researchers Gain Insight on How Plants Split Water PacifiCorp Seeks 1,100 Megawatts of Renewable Energy Breakthrough May Shed Light on High-Temperature Superconductivity Two Large Solar Power Systems On Order in California Audubon Center Uses Only Solar Energy, Earns Greenest Rating *Energy Connections EIA Updates Summaries of Seven Energy-Intensive Industries ———————————————————————- NEWS AND EVENTS ———————————————————————-Researchers Gain Insight on How Plants Split WaterPhotosynthesisthe process plants use to produce energy-rich carbohydrates using sunlightis the basis for all plant life on Earth, but the process remains poorly understood. At the heart of the photosynthetic process is a simple reaction that could be the key to our energy future: the technique that splits water into its constituent elements, hydrogen and oxygen. In a plant, the oxygen is released to the atmosphere and the hydrogen is used to help produce the complex sugars that fuel the cells throughout the plant. But if people can replicate the process, the hydrogen could instead be used to fuel our vehicles and provide heat and power for our buildings.Last week, researchers at Imperial College London announced they had moved a step forward in understanding the water-splitting process, using high-resolution X-ray crystallography to study two protein complexes that […]
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Multi-million-dollar award from US Department of Defense will fund development and demonstration of locomotive for military and commercial applications. Nuvera Fuel Cells announced it received a multi-million-dollar order, contingent upon project continuation funding, for eight FORZA(TM) fuel cell power modules from Vehicle Projects LLC, which is leading an international consortium to develop the world's largest proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell vehicle under contract to the US Department of Defense (DOD). The development effort, called the Defense Fuel Cell Locomotive Project, aims to demonstrate a 109 metric ton, 1.2-megawatt fuel cell powered locomotive for defense and commercial railway applications. The project is funded and administered by the U.S. Army Research, Development, and Engineering Command's National Automotive Center. According to project leader Arnold Miller, Nuvera's FORZA power module was selected over seven bidders representing six nations due to "the ruggedness and compactness of its metal bipolar plates and the simplicity of its proprietary direct-water injection system of cooling and membrane humidification." "This is a great opportunity to demonstrate FORZA's advantages in a dynamic environment," said Alessandro Delfrate, Sales and Marketing Manager of Nuvera Fuel Cells Europe. "Having recently worked with Vehicle Projects to successfully demonstrate the world's first fuel cell powered […]