DOE Announces New Industry Partnerships to Expand Nation's Wind Energy

U.S. Deputy Secretary of Energy Kyle McSlarrow announced today that the Department of Energy will open negotiations for 21 public-private partnerships to greatly expand potential U.S. wind development through advances in cost effective low wind speed technology. The value of the cost-shared projects is expected to total $60 million over the next four years. The announcement came at the wind industrys Global WINDPOWER 2004 Conference in Chicago. The nations vast wind energy resources can play a much larger role in our energy supply portfolio, Deputy Secretary McSlarrow said. These industry and university partnerships will help develop next generation wind technology and open the door to wind power at many locations around the country that otherwise would not be cost-competitive. Much of the commercial wind power development has occurred to date at high wind sites, in other words the best wind sites. However, many of these sites are located in remote areas that do not have ready access to transmission lines. Moreover, easily accessible prime high wind sites are becoming limited. President Bushs National Energy Plan specifically cited low wind speed technology as an opportunity to significantly expand use of wind energy. The new low wind speed projects will focus on […]

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SEIA Urges Congress to Invest $125 million in Solar Research

The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) urged Congress on Friday to make a firm commitment to solar energy and to fund research, development and deployment programs at $125 million for FY2005, which will begin October 1. In testimony submitted to the House Appropriations Committee Energy & Water Subcommittee, SEIAs Executive Director, Glenn Hamer, cautioned lawmakers that U.S. solar electric production last year dipped for the first time in recent memory, while production abroad was up 50% in just one year. This continues a multi-year loss of US market share for solar power production, a technology invented in New Jersey 50 years ago. As Americans face growing concern over the outsourcing of their jobs, a booming solar industry is increasingly developing abroad, Hamer said. The opportunity to participate in world-class research programs is one of the principal considerations for companies when deciding where to locate manufacturing. Congress should invest in a strong solar R&D budget to promote America as a home for this growth industry. Solar electric (photovoltaics/PV): SEIA requested $100 million for this program, which has helped solar manufacturing prices drop by more than half in the last ten years. The U.S. Department of Energys goal is to generate solar […]

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Illinois H2 Partnership Releases Hydrogen Highway Plan

The Illinois 2 H2 Partnership, established by the Illinois Coalition and stakeholders in the hydrogen and fuel cell arena joined to create an industry cluster centered on the development of hydrogen as an energy carrier, released today "The Hydrogen Highway: Illinois' Path to a Sustainable Economy and Environment." The report serves to organize a statewide effort in creating a sustainable economic and environmental impact for Illinois through hydrogen and fuel cell technology advancement. It contains the input of over 400 Illinois citizens representing all industry sectors from all regions of the state. Specifically, the plan looks to establish Illinois as an international leader in the fuel cell industry by developing a "Hydrogen Highway;" a corridor of hydrogen energy demonstration projects situated around Interstate-90. By doing so rapidly, Illinois would be the first state in the nation to be completely traversed by a next generation highway of the future; the Hydrogen Highway. The activity that would surround this type of far-sighted project would stimulate the Illinois economy and protect the environment for years to come. Chicago, as the geographic center of this project could be home to as many as three hydrogen-fueling stations, making it the first metro area in the […]

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Bill Containing StopGap PTC Stalls in Senate

A "corporate tax reform bill"-containing a stopgap extension of the wind energy production tax credit (PTC) (through 12/31/04)-became bogged down in the Senate this week over unrelated issues involving overtime pay for workers. After failing to gain the 60 votes needed to limit debate and move forward on the corporate tax bill, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) chose to stop action on that bill rather than be forced to allow a vote on Sen. Tom Harkin's (D-Iowa) overtime pay amendment. The upshot is that a key avenue for gaining a PTC extension this year-outside of stalled energy policy legislation-has been blocked at least temporarily. Dorgan/Coleman 3-Year PTC Amendment was Ready to Go had the corporate tax bill (S. 1637) remained under consideration on the Senate floor, Sens. Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.) and Norm Coleman (R-Minn.) were prepared to offer an amendment to extend the PTC for a full three years (through 12/31/06). Also joining in support of this bipartisan amendment were Sens. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), Patty Murray (D-Wash.), Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.) and Ben Nelson (D-Neb.). The Dorgan/Coleman amendment-which may be brought up during future consideration of the corporate tax bill or other legislation-calls for: – Extending the PTC through 12/31/06 […]

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