Seven States Urge Bush Action on Tennessee Valley Pollution

Attorneys general from seven states urged President George W. Bush on Friday to immediately require the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to install modern pollution controls at its 11 coal-fired power plants. A federal corporation and regional development agency, the TVA is the nation's largest public power company. The attorneys general called on the President to act because efforts to "remedy significant, on-going violations of the Clean Air Act's New Source Review requirements" have failed and the subsequent pollution is harming public health and the environment. "TVA is one of the nation's largest air polluters and its emissions degrade air quality throughout the eastern and mid-western United States," said the attorneys general of Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont. All these states are outside of the TVA's service area and do not receive electricity generated by the power plants at issue. At issue is the Tennessee Valley Authority's compliance with the Clean Air Act's New Source Review program, which is designed to ensure the nation's dirtiest power plants do not expand operations without installing new pollution control technology. In 1999, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) alleged that TVA violated New Source Review when it carried […]

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Amazon Protected Areas Fund Opens With $1 Million

WWF Helps Set Up Amazon Trust Fund Goal Is Protection of Area Bigger Than U.S. Parks System Over Next 10 Years World Wildlife Fund announced the creation of a permanent, multi-million dollar endowment to fund conservation efforts in the Brazilian Amazon in partnership with the World Bank, the Global Environment Facility and the government of Brazil. In a ceremony at the presidential palace in Brasilia, WWF officials presented President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva with a check for $500,000 in seed money for the Amazon Region Protected Areas (ARPA) trust fund. The GEF contributed a matching $500,000 grant for the fund's initial capitalization. The funds are in addition to some $80 million already raised by WWF and its partners to finance a 10-year plan to create a network of protected areas in the Brazilian Amazon one and a half times larger than the entire U.S. National Parks system. "With the establishment of the ARPA trust fund, we have reached an important milestone in our efforts to reverse the tide of deforestation and secure permanent protection for the Amazon," said Guillermo Castilleja, WWF vice president for Latin America and the Caribbean. "While we still have a long way to go, ARPA […]

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