Cable Billionaire Funds New Ocean Research Initiative

CONSHOHOCKEN, Pennsylvania, August 4, 2004 (ENS) – The Lenfest Foundation, Inc. announced Tuesday the establishment of the Lenfest Ocean Program, a six year, $20 million applied research initiative, to further understanding of the problems affecting the world's oceans and to promote the sustainable management of ocean resources. "The conservation of ocean habitat is a vital part of the public trust, yet we know relatively little about life in the sea," said Gerry Lenfest, who chairs the Lenfest Foundation. "If we are to meet its responsibility as stewards of the oceans, we must increase our understanding of the problems affecting the world's marine environment, and move more aggressively to identify and implement solutions before it is too late. That is the goal of the Lenfest Ocean Program." Established in 2000 by cable television billionaire H.F. "Gerry" Lenfest and his wife Marguerite, the Foundation is dedicated to supporting programs in the areas of education, arts and the environment. The announcement of the new initiative comes at a time when scientists, fishermen, and policymakers are calling for increased support of ocean research. The Congressionally mandated U.S. Oceans Commission will soon deliver its final report on U.S. ocean policy. The commission's draft study says […]

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