Asia Rushes to Save Energy

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Building Efficiency into Illinois Policy: New Legislation

Today Governor Rod Blagojevich signed into law a bill that will bring greater energy efficiency to Illinois. The Governor signed House Bill 4099 (HB 4099), which sets minimum energy efficiency standards for all new commercial construction in Illinois. The legislation adopts the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) as the energy efficient commercial building code for Illinois. The code reduces energy usage in buildings by establishing standards for the building "envelope," heating/cooling/ventilation systems, water heating, lighting equipment and controls, and electrical power systems. Businesses that own, operate or occupy new commercial space meeting these energy efficiency standards can expect to see their energy bills reduced by 6 to 17 percent. Prior to the adoption of this code, Illinois was one of only twelve states with no energy code for commercial construction. Approximately 60 million square feet of new commercial building space is constructed in Illinois each year. For new commercial buildings, the impact of adopting this statewide energy efficiency building code will produce approximately $60-80 million of life-cycle energy and other cost savings for each year of construction. The Bill received strong bi-partisan support in both the Illinois House and Senate. The Bill's lead sponsors were Representatives Julie Hamos (D-18th Dist.) […]

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Australia Holds Appliances to Water Efficiency Standards

CANBERRA, Australia, August 19, 2004 (ENS) – Australians are expected to save more water than the entire contents of Sydney Harbour by the year 2021 as the result of a mandatory water efficiency labeling system for appliances launched today. About half that amount will be saved by more efficient washing machines, and most of the rest will be saved by more efficient showers and toilets. The Minister for Environment and Heritage, Senator Ian Campbell said the water efficiency labeling and standards scheme is the first of its kind in the world. "The mandatory scheme will be phased in so that by late next year, six appliances must carry water efficiency labels: washing machines, dishwashers, toilets, showerheads, some types of taps and urinals. It will also set minimum water efficiency standards for toilets," said Campbell. The introduction of national mandatory water efficiency labeling and minimum performance standards for domestic water-using devices "will help consumers make informed decisions about which appliance to purchase and the water savings that are possible," the minister said. The scheme is funded under Measures for a Better Environment, an Australian government initiative developed in collaboration with the Australian Democrats. Further products are expected to be added to […]

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