Million Dollar Budget for ANWR Lobby Group Debated
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General Motors of Canada Ltd. and Hydrogenics Corporation have demonstrated that commercially viable hydrogen-powered industrial vehicles are closer to the market than many people think. Hydrogenics is leading a consortium of partners to develop, demonstrate and move fuel cell-powered forklifts toward commercialization. This is the first time a fuel cell vehicle supported by an onsite hydrogen fuelling station has been demonstrated at a GM facility. This project is being partially funded with a $1.45 million contribution from Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC). SDTC is a foundation created by the Government of Canada that operates a $550 million fund to support the development and demonstration of clean technologies that address issues of climate change, clean air, water and soil quality. Said David Paterson, vice- president, corporate and environmental affairs, GM Canada, “Demonstration projects like this are critical to the development of fuel cell technology. With predictable duty cycles, lift trucks are an ideal application from which to learn, and a large plant like ours, where external elements are not a factor, is an ideal place in which to conduct a trial like this.” Hydrogenics, in partnership with GM Canada, demonstrated the hydrogen fuel cell-powered forklift and a Hydrogenics HyLYZER hydrogen refueling […]
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CHAMPAIGN, Illinois, January 31, 2005 (ENS) – An enormous pool of pollution hangs over the northern Indian state of Bihar in winter, according to American scientists studying NASA satellite data. Affecting around 100 million people, most in the Ganges Valley, the pollution levels are about five times greater than those found over Los Angeles. The discovery was made by researchers analyzing four years of data collected by the Multi-angle Imaging Spectro-Radiometer (MISR) onboard the Terra satellite. Launched into orbit on December 18, 1999, Terra is the flagship of NASA’s Earth Observing System Program. “This study is the most comprehensive and detailed examination of industrial, smoke and other air pollution particles over the Indian subcontinent to date, and reveals how topography, meteorology and human activity help determine where these particles are concentrated,” said Larry Di Girolamo, a professor of atmospheric sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a co-investigator on the MISR mission. High pollution levels were found over much of India, and a concentrated pool of particles was discovered over Bihar, a rural area with a high population density. The inefficient burning of a variety of biofuels during cooking and other domestic use emits particles in the smoke […]
On January 28, the United States Supreme Court denied the petition of the Ten Taxpayers Citizens Group for review of the decision of the First Circuit Court of Appeals which had upheld the Army Corps of Engineers granting of the permit for Cape Wind’s offshore data tower. The Ten Taxpayers argued that Cape Wind’s data tower was subject to the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, even though the data tower is located in Federal waters. Jim Gordon, President of Cape Wind, said “We are pleased with the United States Supreme Court decision and we look forward to completion of the permitting review of this important renewable energy project.”
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GE Commercial Finance is launching an initiative to provide financial solutions to the growing number of companies focused on clean energy and related technologies. The initiative is a joint effort of GE Commercial Finance’s Technology Lending and Energy Financial Services businesses. Technology Lending, a unit of Global Media & Communications, provides debt financing to technology-related businesses, including emerging growth companies. Energy Financial Services provides financial products including structured equity, leveraged leasing, partnerships and project finance to companies throughout the energy industry. The joint initiative combines the structuring and underwriting expertise of Technology Lending and the industry expertise of Energy Financial Services to provide a full range of financing products and services to companies that deliver clean or renewable energy directly, or develop new technologies for cleaner and more efficient energy generation and distribution. Among the key market segments are distributed generation, including fuel cells, solar/photovoltaics, wind and wave power technology, and biomass gasification; oil & gas, including “clean fuels”; pollution control technologies; transportation components, including motors; energy storage; energy related information technology; and transmission and distribution. “Broad global trends are encouraging development and application of clean energy technologies,” said Bill DeMars, managing director, Technology Lending. “These trends include renewable energy […]