Weekly Clean Energy Roundup:February 9, 2005

News and Events White House Budget Boosts Funding for Hydrogen 2005 Budget Includes Tax Incentives for Renewables and Clean Vehicles DOE Proposes $1.2 Billion for Efficiency and Renewables in 2006 Bush Administration Pushes Renewable Energy on Public Lands Lexus Hybrid SUV Aims for 30 mpg in City Driving U.K. and China Plan to Build Wave and Tidal Energy Plants Energy ConnectionsEIA: Oil Prices to Stay Above $40 per Barrel Through 2006 News and Events White House Budget Boosts Funding for HydrogenPresident Bush released his proposed federal budget for fiscal year 2006 on Monday, and despite tight constraints on discretionary spending, the budget includes $260 million for the President’s Hydrogen Fuel Initiative, an increase of $35 million over 2005 funding levels. The Hydrogen Fuel Initiative is a $1.2-billion, five-year commitment to develop the fundamental science and technologies to produce, store, and distribute hydrogen for use in fuel-cell vehicles, electricity generation, and other applications. The 2005 budget continues strong support for high-risk, high-payoff basic research that is closely coupled and coordinated with the initiative’s applied research and development programs.Research funded through the initiative has already led to reduced costs for fuel cells, and progress continues on other technological challenges in hydrogen production […]

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New Jersey Targets Top Energy Hogs for Efficiency Regime

By Tom Avril, February 4, 2005 With an array of soft drinks, milk and juice stored in six glass-fronted refrigerators, Vinu Patel has the goods to quench your thirst. Unfortunately for Patel, the refrigerators themselves also are thirsty – for electricity. The owner of the Brooklawn Food Mart figures that the six aging machines account for most of the $700 monthly electric bill in his South Jersey store. But change is on the way for such commercial refrigerators and for seven other energy-hogging appliances, ranging from traffic signals to that living room staple, the “torchiere” lamp. Last week, New Jersey legislators voted to require dramatic improvements in efficiency for the eight products – a grab-bag of items that were targeted because the amount of energy that they use could be easily reduced. Commercial refrigerators sold in the state, for example, would have to be up to 38 percent more efficient. New traffic signals would use 90 percent less energy than their older counterparts, by using the same kind of energy-efficient bulbs being installed along Philadelphia’s Boathouse Row. Acting Gov. Richard J. Codey is expected to sign the bill, which would be the fourth in the nation. A similar bill passed […]

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