India Eyes Role As Big Seller of Pollution Credits
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Dole Food Company, Inc. announced that all its company-owned banana farms located in Costa Rica have been certified to the Social Accountability International SA 8000 work place and human rights standard. The company-owned El Bosque pineapple plantation also received its SA 8000 certification. The certification covers the cultivation, harvesting and packing of bananas and pineapples for exportation to the United States and Europe. SA 8000, an internationally recognized standard based on the ILO conventions, the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on Rights of the Child, focuses on child labor, forced labor, health and safety, freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, discrimination, disciplinary practices, working hours, compensation and the implementation of an efficient management system. In 2000, Dole’s then owned subsidiary, Pascual Hermanos, was the first agricultural company in the world certified to SA 8000. Subsequent to this certification, all Dole managed banana and pineapple plantations in the Philippines have been certified to the SA 8000 standard. In total, Dole has approximately 18,000 employees in its banana and pineapple operations covered by SA 8000 certifications, or approximately 73% of that workforce. The Company is committed to expanding SA 8000 certifications in its Central […]
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This green school got built because the superintendent went for a series of grants.
The hospitality industry is behind the green building curve, but standards on siting and construction will be released soon.
If you’re not a subscriber to our sustainable investing newsletter, Progressive Investor, you may not be aware that the WilderHill Clean Energy Index (ECO) debutted on AMEX in August, 2004. The index is up 27.7% since its launch compared to the Dow Jones Industrial Index, which has risen about 8.1% since then. This Thursday, March 3, marks the day the ETF begins trading, enabling investors to purchase shares in a fund based on the index’s basket of clean energy stocks. PowerShares Capital Management LLC is introducing an exchange traded fund (ETF) replicating the WilderHill Clean Energy Index, the “PowerShares WilderHill Clean Energy Portfolio” (Amex: PBW). Shares will start trading at $15. The index is the brainchild and consummation of a dream for Robert Wilder, Elias Azrak and Josh Landess, long time clean energy advocates. It currently consists of 37 of the top clean energy companies and serves as a benchmark for the sector, as well as a means to invest in clean energy as a whole. The index is rebalanced quarterly.Although the goal is to eventually include clean energy companies worldwide, because of certain AMEX rules, it is limited to U.S. companies and those foreign companies that trade on major […]
A new organization is being founded this month in cities across the Midwest – Oil Addicts Anonymous – modeled after the multitude of successful 12 step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous. Organizers say, “The first step on the road to recovery is simple: admitting we have a problem. Join hundreds of patriotic citizens by taking the first step together.” The first chapter was founded in Madison, Wisconsin by citizens who said they came together to admit that “we as Americans are addicted to oil” and are “ready to take responsibility for this harmful addiction.” Other chapters are at: the University of Illinois in Urbana; Illinois State University in Normal; Richmond, Indiana; Detroit, Ann Arbor, and East Lansing, Michigan. “My name is Austin King and I’m an oil addict,” declared Madison, Wisconsin Alderman Austin King. “Having recognized that we all have a problem here, we must work vigilantly to kick the habit. At the national level, we must hold corporations like Bank One and Ford accountable for keeping us hooked and enabling our oil addiction. At the local level we need to must work to stop suburban sprawl, support walkable infill development, and invest in public transportation, bicycle accommodations, and pedestrian […]
News and Events Northwest Power Industry Commits $100 Million for Efficiency New York State Funds Two Wind Power and Three Hydropower Projects Utilities Pursue Biomass Power in Arizona, Alabama, and Georgia Ethanol Production Reaches New Heights in 2004 Hybrid Bus Fleets Grow in New York City, L.A., and Indianapolis One-Megawatt Fuel Cell Planned for San Diego Hotel Site NewsStudy Leads to New Web Site for Energy Efficiency Best Practices Energy ConnectionsEIA: U.S. Companies Achieving Greater Cuts in Greenhouse Gases News and Events Northwest Power Industry Commits $100 Million for EfficiencyThe Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance announced last week that it will receive $20 million each year over the next five years to support its efforts to increase energy efficiency in the region. The funds will come from the Bonneville Power Administration, electric utilities, and public benefit funds?state funds generated through a fee on electricity to support public benefits such as renewable energy and energy efficiency. The $100 million investment will support market-based energy efficiency programs throughout Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington.Since the Alliance began in late 1996, energy efficiency efforts in the Northwest have saved the region an estimated 130 megawatts of electricity through 2003. The Alliance programs encourage appliance manufacturers […]
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