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EPA Green Power Leaders List Released

The top 25 green power purchasers are buying enough energy to run more than 150,000 homes a year, according to EPA. The top-25 list includes a diverse set of companies and organizations that have voluntarily bought the most renewable energy and are part of EPA’s Green Power Partnership. Together, the top 25 are purchasing more than 1.6 million MWh (megawatt hours) of green power annually. Green power is electricity from environmentally-preferable renewable resources such as solar, wind, or geothermal power. Green power currently accounts for about two percent of America’s electricity supply, but voluntary purchasing of renewable energy is accelerating renewable energy development. The U.S. Air Force leads the green power list, purchasing more than 321,000 MWh annually for Air Force bases across the country. Second on the list, Johnson & Johnson, bought more than 241,000 MWh of renewable energy in 2004. EPA and the World Bank rank third and fourth on the list. The complete list of Top 25 EPA Green Power Partners is as follows, listed in order of purchase size: 1. U.S. Air Force 2. Johnson & Johnson 3. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 4. The World Bank 5. U.S. General Services Administration/Region 2 6. Whole Foods Market […]

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