Konarka Signs $1.6 million Contract with the Army

Konarka Technologies, Inc. announced it signed a $1.6 million contract with the United States Army. Konarka’s light-activated power plastic will provide critical power supply to soldier systems and Army support infrastructure. Electric power requirements are going up for both soldiers and facilities in theater of war situations, as the military is using sophisticated electronic technologies for sensing, surveillance, communications, search and destroy, and survival on the battlefield. Today’s soldiers are being weighed down, though, by the batteries that drive these devices. They are required to carry a daily supply of primary batteries, but limited power capacity and the continual need for re-supply can limit the mobility, range and mission length required for effective field operations. Since rechargeable batteries can alleviate the soldiers’ burden and the extensive logistics support to maintain the battery supply, the Army now favors their use wherever possible, and recharging those batteries in the field is a priority. To ensure soldiers can become less dependent on supply logistics and locally available power sources to charge batteries, Konarka will deliver its renewable energy generation capabilities to the Army in the devices, systems and structures that are normally deployed for remote operations. Power goes to the battlefield via equipment […]

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